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Doctor of Chiropractic
As a chiropractic school, 洛根采用基于洛根传统的循证课程, infused with current research and the latest technology. 提供各种经过验证的脊椎调节技术的实践指导, 洛根让你从各种临床机会和选修课中选择. With a DC degree from Logan, 你将完全准备好在综合医疗保健的最前沿占据一席之地.
了解更多Doctor of Chiropractic
更多信息Online Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) in Health Professions Education
Advance health care by educating the health care leaders of tomorrow. Through our online Ed.D.,你将获得在你选择的健康领域成为一名成功教育者的工具.
了解更多Online Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) in Health Professions Education
安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行正在申请医师助理教育认证审查委员会(ARC-PA)的临时认证. 安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行预计将于2026年1月招收第一批学生, 等待获得认证- 2025年3月ARC-PA会议的临时状态.
更多信息Online Master of Science in Health Informatics
Combining study in data management, information systems, business and finance, 这个在线课程将为您在数据和医疗保健不断发展的交叉点工作做好准备.
了解更多Online Master of Science in Health Informatics
更多信息Online Master of Science in Sports Science & Rehabilitation
Guide athletes in maximizing performance and minimizing injuries. 这个在线课程的特点是实习,你将把你的培训付诸实践.
了解更多Online Master of Science in Sports Science & Rehabilitation
更多信息Online Master of Science in Nutrition & Human Performance
洛根获奖的营养计划提供了四个奖励专业的浓度 & Fitness, Nutritional Wellness, Health Education and Dietetics.
了解更多Online Master of Science in Nutrition & Human Performance
更多信息Master of Science in Applied Nutrition & Dietetics (online/in-person HYBRID)
Take your place at the forefront of natural health. And lead your patients to better choices and a healthier life.
了解更多Master of Science in Applied Nutrition & Dietetics (online/in-person HYBRID)
更多信息Online Master of Science in Strength and Conditioning
高水平的运动员应该得到最合格、最全面的运动表现教练. 我们以科学为基础,以证据为基础的课程满足这一需求.
了解更多Online Master of Science in Strength and Conditioning
更多信息Online Master of Science in Chiropractic Pediatrics
脊椎按摩医生可以通过改善儿童的健康状况来改变他们的生活轨迹. Logan University’s online Master of Science in Chiropractic Pediatrics program blends passion, excellence and leadership and offers clinically focused, 为寻求成为儿科保健专家的脊椎指压医生提供的专门培训.
了解更多Online Master of Science in Chiropractic Pediatrics
更多信息Online Bachelor of Science in Human Biology
准备在卫生保健工作人员的职业生涯或进入一般医学专业课程, 整骨疗法, 足部医疗, chiropractic or dentistry.
了解更多Online Bachelor of Science in Human Biology
更多信息Online Bachelor of Science in Life Science
Earn your bachelor's while earning credits toward Logan's Doctor of Chiropractic 学位,并节省时间和金钱在你的旅程,成为一个执业脊医.
了解更多Online Bachelor of Science in Life Science
更多信息General Education & Non-Degree Courses
无论你是在安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行攻读学位还是想把学分转到另一所大学, 你可以在你的学位之外参加通识教育或研究生课程.
了解更多General Education & Non-Degree Courses
更多信息Important Dates & 最后期限
After You 应用
为了确保您的名额,请在申请后确保您的学费押金. 费用 are $300 for the Doctor of Chiropractic program, 卫生专业教育硕士和博士学位为100美元,学士学位课程为50美元.
如果您有任何疑问,请通过电话800-533-9210或电子邮件与招生办公室联系 招生@mays24.com.
- The application must be completed in full. Application review for each academic term occurs on a rolling basis. A non-refundable $50 application fee 是在申请时到期的,并且可以作为申请过程的一部分在网上支付.
- 申请人必须要求并提交所就读的所有学院和/或大学的正式成绩单. 成绩单应发送至:安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行招生办公室1851 Schoettler Rd. 切斯特菲尔德, MO 63017
- Applicants are required to submit a one to two-page, 两倍行距, 在安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行攻读脊椎指压医学博士学位的动机陈述. 动机陈述还应该包括毕业后的目标.
- 申请人须获得由持牌脊医填写的推荐信或洛根推荐表格. Download the form and email it to 文档.招生@mays24.com. 请联系招生办公室,如果你不能从有执照的脊椎按摩医生获得推荐. 如果愿意,临床医生的面试可以安排在校园参观之旅.
- 如果成绩单不是用英语写的,或者是基于与美国不同的教育体系,国际学生可能需要向外部评估机构提交成绩单. International students must submit proof of English proficiency, 除非他们在美国获得了学位或者英语是他们的第一语言. To verify English proficiency, 学生必须在托福网考或托福笔试中取得令人满意的成绩. International students, outside of Canadian citizens, will be required to obtain an F-1 visa for study. All students are recommended to have a valid passport.
- 学生s who do not meet the academic requirements, 但是想要被考虑进入脊椎指压医学博士项目可能需要完成以下步骤:一份个人陈述,说明你为什么相信你会在这个项目中取得成功,并与招生办公室代表进行面试.
如果您有任何疑问,请通过电话800-533-9210或电子邮件与招生办公室联系 招生@mays24.com.
- The application must be completed in full. Application review for each academic term occurs on a rolling basis. A non-refundable $50 application fee 是在申请时到期的,并且可以作为申请过程的一部分在网上支付.
- 申请人必须要求并提交所就读的所有学院和/或大学的正式成绩单. 成绩单应发送至:安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行招生办公室1851 Schoettler Rd. 切斯特菲尔德, MO 63017
- 如果成绩单不是用英语写的,或者是基于与美国不同的教育体系,国际学生可能需要向外部评估机构提交成绩单. International students must submit proof of English proficiency, 除非他们在美国获得了学位或者英语是他们的第一语言. To verify English proficiency, 学生必须在托福网考或托福笔试中取得令人满意的成绩. International students, outside of Canadian citizens, will be required to obtain an F-1 visa for study. All students are recommended to have a valid passport.
如果您有任何疑问,请通过电话800-533-9210或电子邮件与招生办公室联系 招生@mays24.com.
- The application must be completed in full. Application review for each academic term occurs on a rolling basis. A non-refundable $25 application fee 是在申请时到期的,并且可以作为申请过程的一部分在网上支付.
- 灵活加速科学课程(FAST)的申请与脊椎指压医学博士学位的申请是分开的.
- 申请学士学位的学生必须获得高中文凭或同等学历. Applicants must have earned at least a 2.平均绩点0分,成绩4分.0规模. Applicants must submit their high school transcript, 除非他们已经从认可的学院或大学获得了24个或更多的学分. See transfer of credit policies and procedures for details.
- 申请人必须要求并提交所就读的所有学院和/或大学的正式成绩单. Transcripts should be sent to: Logan University, Office of 招生, 1851 Schoettler Road, 切斯特菲尔德, MO 63017.
- 如果成绩单不是用英语写的,或者是基于与美国不同的教育体系,国际学生可能需要向外部评估机构提交成绩单. International students must submit proof of English proficiency, 除非他们在美国获得了学位或者英语是他们的第一语言. To verify English proficiency, 学生必须在托福网考或托福笔试中取得令人满意的成绩. International students, outside of Canadian citizens, will be required to obtain an F-1 visa for study. All students are recommended to have a valid passport.